9 secrets to attract a man in 15 seconds

                     9 secrets to attract a man in 15 seconds


Attracting a man was never so simple when you find out about these 9 secrets. Apply them to your life and get the attention of that man who has you in love.


1. Visual contact. The power of they eyes is fundamental to send the perfect signal that you are interested in the person. It is the first contact that connects the emotions and sensations, making the man to put all his attention on you. Staring into his eyes for a second or two and withdrawing your gaze quickly will make him not intimidated but attracted. Remember never to look away or avoid it, since you will project a lack of interest.


2. Smile. By smiling, you will convey trust and empathy to the person you wish to conquer. That way you will know if the person is shy since many times they tilt their heads so they do not show their teeth. In spite of the distrust that can project the smile is the most attractive and captivating since it conveys mystery.


3. Body language. The nodding of the head will convey an interest in the talk giving the reason or agreeing with what is discussed, thus creating a pleasant atmosphere. Grabbing hair, moistening lips, standing with open hands and feet directed towards the person that interested you or sitting upright are tricks to attract the eyes of men since it is a provocative act that projects seduction. There is a technique that is used in job interviews called mirror, where the candidate imitates all positions of the recruiter, without intimidation and in a cautious way to empathize and gain their trust. So you can use it in the art of conquest.


4. Clothing. It is important never to lose the feminine side that characterize every woman, wearing dresses, skirts or some slim trousers that enhance and style your figure, which will divert the look of any man. Use sneakers, pantyhose and accessories to complement your outfit. Remember not to pretend what you are not, dress comfortable and according to your style. The recommended colors are red, purple and yellow.


5. Fun. Being a nice person, smiling and creative to break any tense and negative environment, is what will help you to get their attention. Jokes and ideas are a magnet to attract men.


6. Control the nerves. Nerves can break the magic of attraction, so think before speaking and do not say inconsistencies, it is important to speak slowly, clearly and concisely, without entanglement to convey the correct message. Remember to avoid starting a conversation about topics you do not dominate, it is risky and you will look ridiculous.


7. Look for physical contact. Holding hands, stroking back and hugging are ideal techniques for connecting with the person concerned. That way you will be able to communicate without having to say a single word. Break the ice and seek some kind of physical contact.


8. Aroma. It is essential that you take care of your personal hygiene if you wish to conquer a man. The effects perfumes perform, are essential to creating important memories in people. How many times do you remember someone just by smelling a fragrance. Always try to smell delicious and have a good breath.


9. Praise his skills.We all love that the people around us praise our skills, goodness and strengths. So do not hesitate to show your man that all his virtues for you are important and amazing.
